How to fix Windows activation error 0XC004F009

Windows activation error 0XC004F009 is the common windows issues faced by different Windows PC users. This is a very frustrating issue as when faced it make the device slower than before. Many users encountered this issue in the different version of the Windows OS.

Generally, this problem occurs when users try to insert a valid license key that was previously used on a different computer. Apart from this, the error code occurred when the Windows OS is not secure and the system files fail to respond or starts missing and is commonly faced by the windows 7 users.

When it comes to Volume Licensing, this error code is related with MAK enabled computer in an Enterprise. One of the reasons is that the PC wasn’t activated even though it was connected to the Enterprise. The second reason is that when the device was never connected with the enterprise and the grace period expired before the PC is activated.

Common Causes behind Error code 0XC004F009

There are many possible reasons behind getting the Windows activation error 0XC004F009. Some of them are:

  • Due to corruption in Windows system.
  • Due to virus or malware infection as this corrupt or damage the Windows files.
  • Imperfectly deletion of the application.
  • Due to Corrupted, outdated or wrongly installed device drivers.
  • Installation or uninstallation of the Windows file in wrong way.
  • Unfinished installation of the file.

So, these are the possible reasons responsible for the Windows activation error 0XC004F009. Now, follow given below possible fixes to resolve this issue.

Solution 1: Activate Windows by Phone: It is possible to activate Windows by phone. This works in two cases, one when Windows key bought by consumer for personal use and the second when it is a MAK key. Both of them pass through Windows Activation Servers.

To do this, press Windows key + R then, type ‘ms-settings:activation‘ for Windows 10 or ‘slui’ for an Older Windows version and press Enter to open the activation menu.

After you finally get to the phone activation screen, go ahead and call the number provided there and use the automated system as instructed.

If this method doesn’t work then move to the next solutions.

Solution 2: Installing every pending Windows update: Users might encounter this issue due to the fact that you are missing a key security update that Microsoft has pushed in order to patch an activation exploit.

So, the reason why you might be encountering this problem is a missing security update that needs to be installed before your Windows installation will be able to accept and verify a new license key. To install every pending Windows update, follow the instructions below:

Press Win + R > type “ms-settings:windowsupdate” and tap enter to open Windows update screen of the Setting app.

Once inside, click on Check for Updates and then follow on screen instructions to install every pending update

Once every update is installed, restart your system to see if 0XC004F009 is fixed.

Solution 3: Increase Grace Period: This method is quite useful to lots of affected Windows users in order to simply increase the grace period of your activated copy on windows. However, you will require a genuine Windows key to purchase and input it even after increasing the grace period.

It might also be possible that you have a MAK key but you didn’t activate it yet. The activation code may have already expired and you have not noticed it earlier. So, go through the below mentioned steps in order to extend the grace period:

Press Win + R to open run dialog box > type regedit and tap Enter to open Registry Editor.

In the Registry Editor section, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OOBE\mediabootinstall.

Once you are into the specified key or path, change the value to mediabootinstall to 0 and save it.

Now, open the command prompt and type slmgr -rearm and then press Enter to execute it.

Finally, restart your computer to change effects properly.

Recommended Solutions to Fix Windows activation error 0XC004F009

Even after applying the above mentioned solutions, you are unable to solve this problem then here is an easy solution for you. Use PC Repair Tool. This is an advanced repair tool that will amaze you with its performance. It will scan your PC, detect the errors and solves them automatically.