Reddit allows users change their usernames in following conditions

Because of its own niche, Reddit is not understandable for some users. If you are Reddit user and have an account in it, you might have used Google Account or Apple ID or via email that involves settings a username.

You can see your Reddit’s username on every comment you make any post you put. If you want, you can change this username anytime. We will provide you guide how this is to be done. Since different ways are possible for creating Reddit accounts so does for changing the usernames as well.

If Reddit Account was made using Email

If you signed up to Reddit account through your email address, you would have got an option to set username of your choice. This username is your permanent username.

In other word, you cannot change your Reddit’s username, if you used your email for signing in. This is something that Reddit does not allow for its user.

Accounts made using Google/ Apple

Reddit allows you change your username when you used Google or Apple account to sign in for it. If you had created your Reddit account via this way, you got a randomized username from Reddit.

The American social news aggregation website offers you change this username within a limited period of 30 days of when the account was initially created.

Below, the complete guide is provided for you how you can change your username on Reddit’s website and app.

Steps to change username on Reddit’s website

  • create an account and then sign in to it,
  • Click on your profile icon appear on the to-right of the page,

  • Select the option saying Change Username,
  • You will see a new pop-up window, enter your new username on the blank and finish with clicking on continue button.

Steps to change username on Reddit’s Mobile App

  • Create and then Sign in to your account,
  • Then, click on profile icon appear top-left of the screen,
  • Tab on My Profile,

  • Then, click on the blue buttons that says Change Username on the prompt page,

  • Enter your desired username on the Change username screen and click on Next button,
  • Now, enter the same username again to confirm, and then save it.

Steps to change Display Name for existing account

If you are the users who have their usernames permanently, you can compensate it by changing the Display Names.

Here are the steps to change Display Names on Reddit’s website:

  • Go to the User Settings option and then on Profile tab,
  • Enter your desired display name here.

This is how you can set Display Names in Reddit’s app:

  • Go to My Profile option,
  • Click on edit button,
  • Enter the desired display name and click on save button.