Brave introduced its search engine of non-tracking privacy-concentric, allowing users to find information on web without giving up any data.
The search engine called “Bravo Search” is available in the Beta version and users can try this new search engine on any web browsers they are using.
This new search engine has very impressive privacy feature. It offers no tracking or profiling of users. For it, the user comes first and not the advertising and data industries.
It soon offers choices for the users to choose ad-free paid search and ad-supported search and soon powers other search engines as well.
Brave independently answers common queries privately without reliance on any other parties as it has its own search index.
Also, no secret methods or algorithms are used by it to bias results. Soon it will have community-curated open ranking models. This will prevent algorithms biases and outright censorship and ensure diversity.
It is a best-in-class interaction between the browser and the search without comprising privacy. So, if you are looking for privacy, your only wish is this new search engine.
However, there is still a scope of improvement in it as its search results tend towards large sites that over a story and not to the one that broke it into parts.
Publishers often break stories about new research, malware threat, cyber attacks and new Windows features. Brave’s search rank poorly to these stories if large site publishers cover it.
Still, there is an advantage of it of having matured privacy-centric to search the web. So, you should once a try this search engine in our opinion.