Google to add new feature to their browsers to isolate embedded content

To improve the privacy on Google browser, Google is to add new HTMP tag support that isolates embedded content from the page embedding it and this way prevents the user tracking.

At present, the Google browsers allow third party to communicate with their embedding page via using postMessage, attributes (e.g., size and name), and permissions.

Blocking to user tracking will stop third parties from using cookies on the web browsers. So, the advertisers may soon use different APIs for internet based advertising. These could be Google’s FLoC, Microsoft’s PARAKEET, and Facebook’s Conversion Lift.

These technologies however should not track users by the crooks joining of the data between an iframe and its embedder when the third party cookies are removed.

For this, Google adds an embedded iframe called fenced frame. This will isolate the embedded content and thus allow it to see the user data of the embedding page.

The company noted, “This can be helpful in preventing user tracking or other privacy threats.”

Fenced Framed is an embedded document “forces a boundary between the embedding page and the cross-site embedded document.” It ensures that two websites could not share your data.

 As per Google, Fenced frames also do not allow communication with embedder and vice versa, except certain data like limited size information, the embedder’s top-level site, and the frame’s document url.

They do not have storage access by default. However, they may have access to some unpartitioned user data, for example, turtledove interest group. They will have read-only access to some un-partitioned storage.

They are still a prototype and are not in active development, as per the Google Chrome status page for this feature. However, Google plans to bring this feature to the Chrome browser in near future.